Akshay Kumar – The Khiladi of Bollywood does it again, He donated Rs 9 Lakh each to the families of 12 CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force ) Jawans killed in Chhattisgarh’s Sukma attack. The brave soldiers, who were from 219 battalion were killed in Chhasttisgarh’s Sukma district after an armed Naxal group ambushed a road opening party in the area’s Bheji village on March 11, Saturday.
All are touched by this Akshay’s sweet gesture. we all Indians are grateful to him for this kind gesture. Unlike few who like to boast about their “kind” acts, Akshay does his bit for the society and keeps hush about it.
Home Minister Rajnath Singh Thanked to Akshay Kumar:
Rajnath Singh tweet a thank note to Akshay saying “I thank Shri @akshaykumar on donating a generous amount for the welfare of the families of CRPF martyrs who lost their lives in Sukma”.
I thank Shri @akshaykumar on donating a generous amount for the welfare of the families of CRPF martyrs who lost their lives in Sukma https://t.co/sVrp6RGiFd
— Rajnath Singh (@rajnathsingh) March 16, 2017
As per the news sites, The actor himself requested Amit Lodha to share the details of the encounter and the killed jawans’ families. Akshay then extended his help and expressed his desire to donate Rs 9 lakh each to families of the martyred jawans. Akshay Kumar was in constant contact with IPS officer Amit Lodha, DIG of Jaisalmer sector north.
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