The story begins with the Stage Drama where audience are watching love scene similar to legendary stories like Romeo and Juliet, Salim AnarKali. As these stories has a sad ending, Also in the play villain having archer shoot an arrow to hit love couple. And this is the entry point of Bittu, The lead actor of Jaat Ki Jugni serial.

Bittu jumps and catch the arrow in order to save love couple. As Bittu character which is being played by Vishal Vashishtha does not believe in sad endings of the love stories as it happened in Romeo and Juliet, Salim AnarKali. According to him, he can not see India loosing match against Pakistan and same way can not tolerate any sad ending to a love story.

Yash Tonk deliver some knockout punches in the role of elder brother . Vishal Vashishtha and the actress Madirakshi Mundle are brilliant in the role of Bittu and Munni.

This serial remind you the 1993’s musical hit movie Anaari.

Jaat Ki Jugni serial story revolves around Munni and Bittu. Where Munni that is going to be played by Madirakshi Mundle is the youngest sister of her three brothers and they are very protective for her. The three brothers raise Munni like their own child as their parents had died.

Men are not allowed to cross their path with her, They disappear by seeing her coming in their way, also in college guys sit very far away from her. Only on rakshabandhan they can come to haweli, where Munni will tie rakhi to all guys.

So, indeed it will be interesting to see how Bittu and Munni will meet each other and if they meet also, how they are going to fall in love.

Anyhow it will be a Ek Visphotak Prem Kahaani, because of Munni’s three elder conservative and very protective brothers.